Goals for 2012 - Thinking Big While Being Realistic

Last year was one I'll never forget.  Love, divorce, custody battles, emotional toll it took on my children, losing income, living frugally, learning to fight for what I believe in, becoming self sufficient...I mean, the list goes on and on of the many things I learned and experienced last year.  Through it all I even managed to step on stage and launch my consulting business full force.
But aside all the great things I learned and wanted to do and my thinking big, I had to really become realistic about my goals and expectations of myself.  It was only fair.  One example was the book idea.  Although it would be fantastic to be able to put all that I've learned along with my background and life story into a book, it would be a fallacy on my part to think I could make it happen right now.  Not that I couldn't...but writing a book would require 2 things I currently cannot sacrifice - steady income and for time to write.  I have decided that the smart thing to do is to abandon the idea for now and let my writing and connection with you guys to come via my blog, facebook and website.  If down the line someone wants to write it for me, I'll be sitting right here waiting.
Being realistic also means that I had to figure out what my priorities were - What is it I want to do? What's important for me right now?  And where do I see myself with all this energy I have in me now?
This year means putting in a lot more hours into my consulting business, growing as a brand, and networking.  Being a woman entrepreneur is by far one of the most satisfying, fulfilling and rewarding adventures any woman can embark on and I'm glad to be one of the many who have chosen this path.
Another goal is to EMPOWER women and men alike (but you know I'm a little biased leaning toward women...just a little though)! Just like I want my consulting business to grow, part of that is the coaching piece.  I love working with individuals to help them get a better sense of themselves and the world around them!
Of course competing is going to be another goal.  I have to say that in the past I had shown very little interest in becoming a Pro, but that interest started growing last year.  I said last year I would compete with all my might and do better and I don't think all that things I had going on allowed me to do so.  Not this year.  Things are a bit more settled and I stand more firm than ever on my visions, which are now clear[er].
I have to say that throughout it all, I developed some great friendships while maintaining some old ones.  I am very thankful for that and hold each and every single person I communicate with daily very close to my heart.
I will be updating you guys with progress from both my contest prep, which I've started already and what I've been up to on the business front.  I will also be updating my schedule of appearances, competitions and makeup work for this year very soon!
I hope each and every single one of you readers have an amazing 2012.  Don't wait for life to happen...take a leap in faith, most importantly faith in YOURSELF and make it happen!

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